Our Consultants

Farzana Ismail

Our Senior Ergonomics Consultant, Farzana Ismail, attained the designation of Canadian Certified Professional Ergonomist (CCPE) in 2010.

Farzana’s expertise is in the physical aspects of applied ergonomics and she has over 20 years of ergonomics consulting experience. She is currently the provider of ergonomics services for several small, medium, and large-scale companies including the Government of Canada and Government of Ontario Ministries.

Farzana is a member of the Association of Canadian Ergonomists (ACE) where she served a two-year term as BC/Yukon Regional President (2009-2010) and three two-year terms as Ontario Regional Secretary (2013-2018).

Farzana graduated from the University of Waterloo with a degree in Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Ergonomics Option (Co-operative Program), and achieved Dean’s Honours List Distinction.

A little focus never hurt anybody

Preferred provider of ergonomics services for the Government of Canada under the National Master Standing Offer (NMSO) since 2012